手机游戏> Precious10> 游戏攻略

Precious10 can be seen as a mix of Fruit Ninja and Bejeweled (just because of the gems, actually :D). The whole game takes 10 seconds - hey, whole game. It means that once you open it, clock is ticking. Fair? Not sure... but this adds some desperation for sure, and THAT is fun. Do you see the gems up there, with a red X? Those are the ones you must NOT destroy, otherwise your score decreases. We hope you have as much fun as we had with our game! :D(This game was developed in only 48h for LudumDare27 following the "10 seconds" theme).#############DEVELOPERS: Gabriel Rocha (@gargaroots)Rodrigo Bozza (@bo22o)Victor Gimenez (@vlgimenez)ART:Rafael Chriscolo (@rchriscolo)MUSIC:Victor Gimenez (@vlgimenez)