• Practice against time • Define your learning contents • Check your learning progress Practice your times tables by trying to receive as many points within a...
Practice times tables - 1x1

• Practice against time
• Define your learning contents
• Check your learning progress
Practice your times tables by trying to receive as many points within a minute as possible. Tap quickly on the correct solution out of three proposed to receive another point and get one more second. If you choose the wrong proposal, this is crossed out in red and the correct solution will be highlighted for five seconds. Then it goes on automatically. Later on, this math problem will be repeated more often so that the correct result can be better memorized.
Practice with focus on your demands: Select which math problems you want to solve - "multiplication", "division" and "completion of series of numbers". Define which parts of the times tables you want to practice. Choose the position of the empty spaces within the math problems you want to fill.
After you have configured and practiced your math problems, the application stores your scores and visualize these in a diagram. With this diagram you can check your learning progress.
The integrated help provides useful information about how to use the application.
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