This is a futuristic era where the highly advanced steel robot has been designed to work as police moto ranger of the city. Police Moto Robot Superhero is crimi...
Police Moto Robot Superhero
This is a futuristic era where the highly advanced steel robot has been designed to work as police moto ranger of the city. Police Moto Robot Superhero is criminal car chase game where an extreme clash is going to happen between police robot ranger who is the real superhero here and the escaping criminal squad in car. It’s been reported that grand city robbery crime rate has increased to high level so the secret government agency has assigned the task to police robot superhero ranger which can be transformed into police robot moto any time to chase and destroy the escaping criminal squad. Police Moto Robot Superhero is an amazing blend of robot moto bike riding, robot transformation into bike, criminal car chase and car destruction adventure. There will be an epic police robot transformation into heavy police bike with super firing power that will destroy the criminal squad in car completely. You need to be the real hero of grand city and save civilians from chaos and destruction caused by the evil gang. Move your police moto bike on grand city roads showing some deadly stunts to chase the escaping criminal car. Don’t let the criminal car gang escape in front of you. Be the extreme futuristic police robot moto bike stunt rider and chase the super car furiously, open rapid fire till the car gets completely destroyed and become the best police moto superhero ranger of grand city. Police Moto Robot Superhero is going be an intense action packed adventure simulator game of 2017 where your timings really matter. Ride police moto on full speed for super grand criminal car chase. The driving criminal car is a threat for city people as criminal gang can abduct city people anytime anywhere. It’s a real battle between good and bad. To restore peace in big city don’t look back and embark on a journey will full power to eliminate every evil from the city. Police Moto Robot Superhero requires the best possible fighting strategy with amazing police robot moto riding skills. Use firing power of futuristic police moto super robot bike like a real fighting hero of 2017 and destroy the cars completely. User the firing power of gun brilliantly and target and shoot enemies with rapid intensity to destroy them in minimum time possible. Get ready for an extreme adventure stunt bike riding simulation game where your will drive around grand city as super mech X- ray steel robot hero to save people from all sort criminal threat. Be the futuristic X-ray robot warrior steel legend in this action simulator game of 2017 against the criminal terrorist squad. Use your super robot police moto gun and missile accurately and kill the gang squad in car like a real superhero. Show off your furious bike riding stunts, attacking gun power of steel robot bike and save this big city from criminal robbery threat. Features: • Superb and Intense Gameplay! • Challenging Bike Riding, Car Chase and Destruction Missions! • Amazing Transformation from Robot into Police Moto! • High Quality 3D Graphics and Brilliant Sound Effects! • Outstanding Big City Environment!
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