Pred Vama je nova igra pogađanja pojmova s 57 kategorija i preko 6500 pojmova. Želimo Vam puno zabave! Izaberite omiljenu kategoriju i pokušajte osvojiti što više bodova u odabranom vremenu. Držite telefon u okomitom položaju. Za pogođeni pojam zakrenite telefon prema dolje ili dodirnite desnu stranu ekrana, a za preskakanje pojma prema gore ili dodirnite lijevu stranu ekrana. Uskoro će biti dostupna i igra Turnir u kojoj ćete moći izabrati broj igrača, te broj rundi unutar jedne igre. Before you is a new guessing game concepts with 57 categories and over 6500 terms. We wish you lots of fun! Choose your favorite category and try to score as many points in the selected time. Hold the phone in a vertical position. For affected term rotate the phone down and touch the right side of the screen, and for skipping idea up or touch the left side of the screen. It will soon be available and play a tournament in which you will be able to choose the number of players and the number of rounds within one game.