Playstation 4 quiz is a simple and fun game suitable for adults and children, created just to pass the time when you get bored and also to test your knowledge a...
* Playstation 4 Quiz
Playstation 4 quiz is a simple and fun game suitable for adults and children, created just to pass the time when you get bored and also to test your knowledge about music. In the game you will have to guess the names of the Videogames of the Playstation 4 looking only a all part of the cover, you will have to overcome more than 100 levels! After passing a level you will accumulate the coins that you can use to buy tips that will help you overcome the most difficult levels. Not enough coins? To get more coins for free you can share the game on social, otherwise you can also buy packages of coins at very competitive prices.
* Playstation 4 Quiz游戏截图
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