** A Best of Makerfaire Editor's Choice Blue Ribbon at World Makerfaire NYC! *** PlayGAMI is an augmented reality origami creativity platform. Draw your designs on real origami paper, visualize it as you draw on a virtual version of the origami, and then turn your hand-drawn creation into a game character! Our very first real-to-digital origami creation is a traditional crane. We begin with our PlayGAMI paper - magical origami paper which you can use to design your origami creation with real pens. This is just a piece of regular paper printed with a crease pattern, with the AR tracking feature points printed on the parts that will become the back side of the crane. Anyone can print this out at ! You can keep checking what the final folded crane will look like. Once you're ready, press the "Freeze" button to save the design. You can then visualize on a KUBIKULO Box Module crane skybox that you can rotate in 360 all directions. The skybox is just a paper cube that anyone can print and assemble themselves. You can also go into Game Mode with the origami character you just designed! Current KUBIKULO Box Modules: - GAMI in a Skybox - GAMI v Dojo - Orbiting GAMI More coming soon!