新的转折经典块拼图! 欢迎真棒,了不起,可爱... ..the正圆四角系统:Monomino,多米诺,三格骨牌,四格骨牌和五格骨牌! 操作四角系统,形成无间隙线。旋转四角系统只需轻按上的数字。 填补国内空白,直到招式结束。 结束?证明情况并非如此! PLAYce更多!We have some FRESH news! Lots of NEW color themes added!!! Enjoy the refreshed and colorful Orbed Polyominoes’ Family! And! One more thing! Now you’re able to change the block set. Check this out! The music bug was fixed in this version. Thanks for your feedback - you do the great deal to make our game better! Keep the feedback coming and let’s PLAYce more!