★★ Please leave a rating ★★ Inspired by the classic card game "Memory" or "Concentration" using Japanese Hiragana. Hiragana Memory Game is a card game in which ...
★★ Please leave a rating ★★ Inspired by the classic card game "Memory" or "Concentration" using Japanese Hiragana. Hiragana Memory Game is a card game in which all of the cards are laid face down and two cards are flipped face up each turn. The object of the game is to turn over pairs of matching cards. A matching pair is the Hiragana with its corresponding Romaji. Example: ka ↔ か = Match! bo ↔ ぼ = Match! tsu ↔ こ = No Match! Use the help file for the correct pairs by pressing MENU during the game. Features: * 107 different Hiragana in all. * Randomly selects 15 pairs to ensure a different game every time. * Amazing graphics to test your memory and knowledge! Challenge your friends and see who can get the lowest score! V1.6 * Developer name change. V1.5 * Added 15 more Hiragana! V1.4 * Ability to see all cards before play starts. * Automatically flips wrongs cards over after 2 seconds. * Added 21 more Hiragana! V1.3 * Fixed tablet graphical errors. * Changed “score” to “attempts” and added a cards remaining counter, request made by HeLLoKiDDy. Thanks! V1.2 * Added 3 Difficulty levels! * A better organized Hiragana help file. V1.1 * Added 25 more Hiragana! * Compatible with Android 1.6+! ★★请留下评级★★ 由经典的纸牌游戏“内存”或使用日文平假名“集中”的启发。 平假名记忆游戏是纸牌游戏中,所有的卡都奠定面朝下,两张卡都翻面朝上每回合。本场比赛的目的是交出对配对卡。匹配对是平假名与其相应的罗马字。 例如: 嘉↔か=匹配! 博↔ぼ=匹配! TSU↔こ=不匹配! 在游戏过程中按MENU使用正确的对帮助文件。 产品特点: * 107不同的平假名在所有。 *随机选择15双每一次,以确保不同的游戏。 *惊人的图形,以测试你的记忆和知识! 挑战你的朋友,看看谁能够获得最低的分数! V1.6 *开发人员名称更改。 V1.5 *增加了15个平假名! V1.4 *能够播放开始前看到所有卡。 *自动超过2秒后翻转过错卡。 *增加了21多个平假名! V1.3 *修正了平板电脑图形错误。 *改变“得分”,以“企图”,并补充剩余计数器卡,要求用HeLLoKiDDy进行。谢谢! V1.2 *增加了3个难度级别! *一个更好的组织平假名帮助文件。 V1.1 *增加了25多个平假名! *兼容的Android 1.6+!
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