
手机游戏> PitcherVS.Catcher2> 游戏新闻


How long will you be able to keep m [详情]

How long will you be able to keep meeting the catcher’s demands? Do your best to keep overcoming the difficult challenges! [About the Game] The rules are simple! The catcher is waiting in some unbelievable situations for the pitcher to throw him the ball. You are the pitcher and you only have a set number of chances (balls) to pitch the ball to the catcher. Work around the various obstacles and the batter to get the ball to the catcher. [How to Play] Drag your finger behind the pitcher at the desired angle to aim for the area you are targeting and lift up your finger to release the pitch! One hint, if you use your left thumb to pitch the balls, your hand won’t hide the screen, so it will be easier for you to aim your pitches! Oh, and one more piece of advice. If you want to pitch the ball a little faster, place your finger a little in front of the pitcher when you start dragging it backwards. Use fast or slow pitching as the situation demands! [Bonus Points] -Get extra points for hitting the ball against special items. 500 points for a coin, 1,000 points for a star, 100 points for breaking glass or a bomb, 5,000 points for directly hitting the catcher’s mitt, and 10 extra points for each ball you have left over after getting a ball to the catcher. [Special Balls] -There are special balls hidden somewhere in the stage! Find all the balls and brag to your friends! -When you get a special ball, turning on the backpack at the setting screen will display the backpack icon in each stage so that when you want to you can pitch the special balls you have collected. [Edit Mode] -You can use the edit mode to position the existing blocks where you want them and to change their size and color. New barriers cannot currently be added, but I hope to make it possible in the future. You can also change the background color and position of the pitcher. If you try to play the game normally when you are in the edit mode (when the key icon (lock) at the top right is open, you could mistakenly change the block positions or cause a malfunction, so when you are done making your changes, be sure to tap the key icon (lock) to turn off the edit mode. -When you press the PAUSE button, the SAVE and LOAD buttons will appear. When you have made a stage you like, press the SAVE button to save it. [CAUTION] -When you set the difficulty to EASY, your chances (number of balls) will be increased to 100, but the points you score will be less. Conversely, if you set the difficulty to HARD, you will only be given 10 balls, but the points you score will be higher. For NORMAL you will be given 50 balls. -The action might be a little slow depending on the device you are using. In that case, use the settings to turn on the simple mode and turn off the catcher’s voice to speed up the action. Please understand, however, that in this state the game will be over if the catcher goes off the edge of the screen. -Be careful not to over play the game. Avoid staying up too late at night, take a break every 30 minutes, play in a well-lit area, and play at a distance from the television. -The iOS version has functions for emailing an edited stage or sending out your score via Twitter. However, I don’t yet have the ability to add these functions to the other OS version, but I plan to add them in the future. [ Supported language ] -English. -Japanese. [Please check it out] http://www.appgovideo.com --------------------------------------------------------- [ Top3 app simultaneous release!! ] -Pitcher VS. Catcher 2 -Hey!U.F.O! -JOE Please give me download and a review. --------------------------------------------------------- ************************************************** 【Pitcher VS. Catcher2】 -Powered by Corona SDK & Box2D -Developed by Shinji Takahashi ************************************************** 你需要多长时间能够保持满足捕手的要求呢? 做你最好把克服困难的挑战! 【游戏简介】 规则很简单!捕手正在等待一些令人难以置信的情况下向他扔球的投手。 你是投手,你只能有机会一组数(球)在球场的球捕手。 周围的各种障碍和面糊的工作就是让球的捕手。 [如何玩] 拖动手指投手在所需角度瞄准你的目标区域,抬起你的手指来释放在球场后面! 一个提示,如果你用你的左手拇指在球场的球,你的手会不会隐藏屏幕,所以它会更容易为你的目标是你的球场! 哦,还有一个更忠告。如果你想在球场球快一点,把你的手指在投手的前面一点点,当你开始向后拖动它。 使用快或慢投球随着形势的要求! [积分] - 获得额外的击球对特殊项目点。 500分的硬币,1000点为一个明星,100分打破玻璃或炸弹,5000点,直接打到捕手的手套,并为每个球10加分你已经得到一个球到接球后遗留下来的。 [特殊球] - 有在舞台上的某个地方藏特球! 找到所有的球,并吹嘘给你的朋友! - 当你得到一个特殊的球,在设置屏幕打开背包将显示背包图标在每一个阶段,这样,当你愿意,你可以推销你所收集的特殊的球。 [编辑模式] - 您可以使用编辑模式来定位您想要的地方现有的块,并改变它们的大小和颜色。设置新的障碍,目前不能添加,但我希望有可能在未来。您还可以改变背景颜色和投手的位置。如果您尝试当你在编辑模式下正常玩游戏(当钥匙图标(锁)在右上方是开放的,你可以改变错误的块位置或造成故障,所以当您完成您的更改,一定要挖掘的钥匙图标(锁定)以关闭编辑模式。 - 当您按下PAUSE按钮,保存和载入按钮将出现。当你做你喜欢的一个阶段,按保存按钮进行保存。 [注意事项] - 当您设置的难度EASY,你的机会(球的数量)将增加至100,但你得分点会少一些。相反,如果你设置的难度来硬的,你只会给予10球,但你得分点会更高。对于正常的你会得到50个球。 - 该行动可能会有点慢取决于您所使用的设备上。在这种情况下,使用的设置来打开简单模式和关闭捕手的声音,以加快操作。但是请您理解,在这种状态下,游戏就结束了,如果捕手熄灭屏幕的边缘。 - 要小心,不要过度玩游戏。避免熬夜太晚,晚上,休息一会每隔30分钟,在光线良好的地方玩,在玩从电视的距离。 -iOS的版本具有收发电子邮件的编辑阶段或通过Twitter发送你的分数的功能。不过,我还没有这些功能添加到其他的操作系统版本的功能,但我计划增加他们的未来。 [支持语言] 英语。 日。 [请检查出来] http://www.appgovideo.com -------------------------------------------------- ------- [Top3的应用程序同时发布! ] - 投手VS。捕手2 嘿!U.F.O! -JOE 请给我下载和审查。 -------------------------------------------------- ------- ************************************************** 【投手VS。 Catcher2】 供电电晕SDK&Box2D的 开发由高桥真司 **************************************************









