
準備好迎接終極賽車遊戲,賽車手!你能在這場激烈的碰撞比賽中堅持多久?去盡情毀滅你的對手吧。 這裡有傳統破壞德比賽道(原型賽帶)還有山地、工廠等特殊賽道。你需要做的只是盡情的摧毀敵人並在不同的遊戲模式下贏得比賽。當你看到你的對手被你撞的車輛變形,甚至發生爆炸時,破壞從未如此真切震撼。 您能解鎖不同車輛。每輛車都有自己獨特的特點。您還可以根據您的需要,具體升級車輛的裝甲、引擎。並以此提升您的戰鬥能力贏得更多的比賽和金錢。 在遊戲中您還可以使用氮氣加速、導彈等一系列道具,將敵人的車輛統統摧毀。 如果您喜歡汽車破壞遊戲,這個遊戲就是為您打造的! 遊戲特點: - 多種賽道 - 三種截然不同的遊戲模式 - 真實刺激的汽車碰撞 - 通過賺取金幣改造你的賽車 - 真實有趣的賽車戰鬥裝備 - 真實的3D模型 --- Demolition Derby can be erous but it’s also the most fun to wreck into other cars! Deliberately destroy other cars in the #1 Demolition Derby game on Google Play now! Demolition Derby (a.k.a Banger Racing) is a motorsport event in which drivers competing by deliberately ramming their vehicles into one another. This game has tons of car crashing, engine revving, dirt-flying fun with more than 40 events. Smell the petrol fumes, enjoy the carnage and be the last driver whose vehicle is still operational to win the victory! Game Features: - All vehicles and weapons have their own behavior. Find your favorite! - Stunning 3D graphics and great sound effects - Realistic car destruction, damage deformation and debris simulation - Best in Show, Mad Dog and tons of other achievements