In an age of Galactic war across the planets, a force of pet robots has been created to restore the long forgotten peace. Kept in disguise in a secret base, the...
Pets Robots Paw War Maker - Dog Dressup
In an age of Galactic war across the planets, a force of pet robots has been created to restore the long forgotten peace. Kept in disguise in a secret base, they are the key to maintaining universal order once more. With a furious battle raging throughout the planets, everyone is counting on their tactics. Little do they know, a rescue dog mission is in the making. And you are a part of it! Hired as a special dress up consultant, you are to decide how these pet robots will look like once they are sent out. Your first trial is sending them to a rebel factory located on the moon, where they have to solve a dark riddle... What will you do as a creator of their outfits? “Pets Robots Paw War Maker – the Rescue Dog” is a dress up game that gives you the freedom to create your own puppy robots. It provides you with a rich options to create your own patrol of animals by picking from: => 8 amazing dog robots with distinctive qualities and appearance => Lots of clothing choices to customize their looks => Awesome accessories to bring the finishing touches of your pet's fashionable vision => Facial expressions to give a specific attitude to your character => 6 backgrounds from different battle sites to pick from => Social sharing to show your friends what you have come up with! It's busy in the robot factory. You monitor every single activity as a creator of a new fashion for rescue dog patrols, waiting for your mission to start any minute. While you witness the assembling of your team of pet robots, you feel that this time you can make a difference together. The Galactic war will end finally and the dark ages of robots and mankind will be no more. But how exactly will you dress up your warriors? Surely they need to be both presentable to your allies and scary enough to the rebels you will battle with! What kind of armor, weapons or facial expressions do your companions need? Besides that, there are six sites on the moon where your mission will be. Which would be the most appropriate? Think accordingly and come up with your own fantastic outfit as a creator of your pet robots' battle costume! The sirens echo in the factory as you stand there, thinking about your fashion tactics. It's time to go. Do your best and restore the peace throughout the planets! What are you waiting for? Download Now!
Pets Robots Paw War Maker - Dog Dressup游戏截图
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