Pemburu Hantu Nusantara

手机游戏> Pemburu Hantu Nusantara> 游戏新闻

Pemburu Hantu Nusantara

Pemburu Hantu Nusantara
Ayo bai berbagai-macam hantu yang p [详情]

Ayo bai berbagai-macam hantu yang populer di indonesia seperti tuyul, pocong, kuntilanak, wewe gombel, genderuwo, sundel bolong dan hantu-hantu lainnya di Indonesia. Untuk membai hantu cukup tap tombol api sesuai dengan warna yang ada pada hantu yang menampakan diri. Hati-hati, semakin sering tapi tombol membuat tenaga dalammu berkurang dan kamu akan kelelahan. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CARA BERMAIN ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Ketika hantu menampakan diri, terdapat informasi icon dengan warna tertentu - Tap tombol sesuai dengan warna yang ada pada tiap hantu, semakin sering men-tap tombol akan mengurangi tenaga MP hero - Bila hantu mengenai hero, maka HP hero akan berkurang - Semakin cepat dan tepat akan membuat hantu-hantu yang mencul segera musnah ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FITUR GAME ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Terdapat coin yang bisa membeli item - Terdapat pilihan hero yang bisa dibeli - Skill hero yang bisa di upgrade - Level baru yang terbuka apabila level sebelumnya selesai dimainkan - Raja hantu di tiap level - Terdapat karakter hantu nusantara yang lucu - Musik dan SFX yang menyenangkan ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ATTENTION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Game ini terdiri dari ads yang muncul di beberapa layar. Pemburu hantu nusantara dibuat oleh studio, apabila menemukan bug, saran atau kritik silakan hubungi kami melalui email dibawah ini. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PERMISSION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A. WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE: This access is required to access downloaded images outside the internal storage used in the game B. READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE: This access is required for internet quota savings for ad views. Let's exterminate various kinds of ghosts are popular in Indonesia as tuyul, pocong, kuntilanak, wewe gombel, genderuwo, sundel bolong and other ghosts in Indonesia. To eradicate the ghost enough tap the fire button in accordance with the existing color of ghosts who show up. Be careful, the more often but the keys make thee power is reduced and you will be exhausted. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HOW TO PLAY ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - When a ghost reveals itself, there is information icon with a specific color - Tap the button corresponding to the color that comes with every ghost, increasingly tapping the power button will reduce the MP hero - When the ghost of the hero, the hero will be reduced HP - The more quickly and accurately will make the ghosts comes up immediately destroyed ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GAME FEATURES ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - There is a coin could buy items - There is an option that can be purchased hero - Skill hero that can be upgraded - New level which opens when the previous level is played - King of the ghosts in each level - There is a ghost character funny archipelago - Music and SFX fun ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ATTENTION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This game consists of ads that appear on multiple screens. Ghost hunter created by studio archipelago, where finding bugs, suggestions or criticis, please contact us via e-mail below. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PERMISSION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A. WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE: This access is required to access downloaded images outside the internal storage used in the game B. READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE: This access is required for quota internet savings for ad views.










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