Panlr (pronounced "panel-er") is a simple but fast-paced arcade-style mind game where you must swipe the panels in the direction the arrow is pointing before they leave the screen. Every time a panel leaves the screen before you can swipe it away you lose one of your three lives. As time goes on panels will appear more often. Swipe as many panels as you can before you lose all three lives in order to score maximum points. Achievements you unlock will show up in the bottom of the screen during a game. Each achievement will reward you with mPOINTS. mPOINTS earned from achievements can be used towards coupons and gift card raffles, so be sure to collect your well-earned mPOINTS! Happy Gaming!If you have having trouble with claiming mPOINTS or seeing videos, please submit a bug report to http://support.getmpoints.comAll permissions are used by SessionM to reward you with mPOINTS. No personal information is stored by Mewli.License information for 3rd party software is available at