Pacific Rim is an all-new action fighting game inspired by the WB Pictures and Legendary Pictures. Piloting weaponized robots known as Jaegers, Earth’s defender...
Pacific Rim 3D War
Pacific Rim is an all-new action fighting game inspired by the WB Pictures and Legendary Pictures. Piloting weaponized robots known as Jaegers, Earth’s defenders must train their jockeys from rookie to ace in a Story Mode or challenge themselves to last as long as they can against waves of monstrous creatures, known as Kaiju, in Survival Mode. Do you have the skill to survive these battles? Time is short—so start building your lethal combat skills and weapons today or the world will pay the price! FEATURES * 30 missions * Controllable vehicles, like tanks, cars, helicopters and turrets! * Multiple weapons * Explosives * Achievements * A shop with awesome ingame features like GodMode, Golden Gun and a Jetpack!! * Lots and lots of explosions! Strategize all your actions, help to the civilians and earn exclusive rewards. Embark on quests to defeat superior enemy, help to find and return stolen car and, of course, face the challenge of fighting against main villain. Pacific Rim is an all-new action fighting game inspired by the WB Pictures and Legendary Pictures. Piloting weaponized robots known as Jaegers, Earth's defenders must train Reviews their jockeys from rookie to ace in a Story Mode or challenge Themselves to last as long as they can against waves of monstrous creatures, known as Kaiju, in Survival Mode. Do you have the skills to survive Reviews These battles? Time is short-so start building your lethal combat skills and weapons today or the world will pay the price! FEATURES * 30 missions * Controllable vehicles, like tanks, cars, helicopters and turrets! * Multiple weapons * Explosives * Achievements * A shop with awesome ingame features like GodMode, Golden Gun and a Jetpack !! * Lots and lots of Explosions! Strategize all your actions, help to the Civilians and earn exclusive rewards. Embark on quests to defeat a superior enemy, help to find and return stolen car and, of course, face the challenge of fighting against the main villain.
Pacific Rim 3D War游戏截图
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