Welcome to the bright world of Australia! Become largest flightless bird in the world – an emu ostrich! Explore surroundings, find your mate and raise your own ...
Ostrich Bird Simulator 3D

Welcome to the bright world of Australia! Become largest flightless bird in the world – an emu ostrich! Explore surroundings, find your mate and raise your own family in Ostrich Bird Simulator 3D! This prairie is wild and full of different predators! Run through the arid plains, search for food and be afraid of the cruel predator beings hiding everywhere! Meet the other ostriches, fight for your life and find your mate to make a family and raise your little nestlings! Enjoy the views of wild virgin nature, find plants to fill your stomach and do your best to survive and continue your species! Protect your little descendants from such cruel enemies as wild dog dingo, giant monitor lizard, kangaroo and the Taanian devil! They can suddenly attack you, so defend furiously and do everything possible to survive! Don’t forget to mind your health, food and energy indicators – if one of them drops, you could find yourself in a really difficult situation and even die! Earn points and level up your skills, learn various attacks and change your skin color! Customize your ostrich to look more interesting and colorful and check different skins! Common ostrich, Somali ostrich, greater rhea (a.k.a. ñandú), double-wattled cassowary, and even extinct giant moa – you can be any of these birds! Discover this colorful world of the Australian desert, gather different tasty plants, struggle against cruel predators and do your best to survive! Have fun with Ostrich Bird Simulator 3D! Ostrich Bird Simulator 3D features: • Realistic emu ostrich survival simulator • Opportunity to mate and raise little nestlings • Full customization of your emu • Various • Addictive gameplay • Fantastic 3D graphics Be a real ostrich, explore the land, survive and raise up your own clan of flightless birds with Ostrich Bird Simulator 3D! Privacy policy: http://molgentech.wixsite.com/wildanimalsclan/single-post/2017/04/14/WILD-ANIMALS-CLAN-PRIVACY-POLICY
Ostrich Bird Simulator 3D游戏截图

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