手机游戏> One Hit KO (free game)> 游戏评论
One Hit KO (free game)
In a place out of time were reunited a samurai, an elf archer, a high-tec war robot, a nekomimi, a viking dwarf, a powerful yeti, a legendary ninja, a goblin wizard and an enormous pirate shark. In this clash of universes, they just cannot be friends. What would be the fun? They will strike. And each of them have such a power that one hit is enough, so be quick. Hit at the right moment and knockout your enemy!One Hit K.O. is a very simple reflexes game. You can play single or with a friend. Chose your character, face the enemy and be the first one to strike!---------------------------------------------------------------------CHARACTERS:---------------------------------------------------------------------- Minamoto no Haru -is a samurai of the Edo period. He is member of an ancient noble clan and his life is devoted to serve his lord with honor and loyalty. His preferred weapon is a katana.- Ygrainne Moonflower -was born in the Forest of Light, where the trees dance with the wind and the native elfs have a natural bond with the nectar of life. She shoots with a handmade yew bow.- Bjorn von Knock -is a dwarf warrior from Scandinavia that loves drinking glögg as much as fighting. Trying to do both things at the same time, he specialized in mug wieldling.- Sakura Nekoi -is a temperamental catgirl. She can change from happy to furious to weeping in a glance. Do not be fooled by her cuteness. Beware of the sharp nails.- 3CPKiller -is a war machine created by a mad scientist. After many years forgotten in the laboratory’s warehouse, he is now free to wander around and do what he is supposed to.- Ichigo Daigo -is a fast and clever ninja. In the See of Trees, he faced evil ghosts who attempted to profane his ancestors’ mausoleum. He can fight barehand or use his enemy’s weaponry.- Goon -was once considered a myth. He is the monster of cloudy mountains whose stories were told to naughty children. His howl is terrifying. His fists are overwhelming. His farts… Yuck!- Vrath Yellow-teeth -is a goblin shaman who used to throw nature forces against his folk enemies. He is intet, but weak, and now he ran out of allies. Because of that he pretends to be much more powerful than he really is.- Captain Jack Sharp -is a huge walking shark and the mightiest of them all. He manages to control the time waves and his ship is ready to set sail across the multiverse. He fights with a giant anchor in speed of light, so be careful with him.---------------------------------------------------------------------Play now and unlock all of them! It's completely free!
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