★★★ Welcome to Oil Tycoon - Big Energy Capitalist ★★★ ★★ Become a Billionaire Oil Tycoon Capitalist ★★ Join the Oil Industry! Invest in your Oil Empire and st...
Oil Tycoon - Big Energy Capitalist
★★★ Welcome to Oil Tycoon - Big Energy Capitalist ★★★ ★★ Become a Billionaire Oil Tycoon Capitalist ★★ Join the Oil Industry! Invest in your Oil Empire and start making ridiculous Profits! You are now an oil tycoon capitalist! Oil Tycoon - Big Energy Capitalist is an oil industry idle clicker simulation game with tons of tapping and purchasable elements. From Oil Tankers to Your Own Oil Riggs. You can buy them all! You have to acquire and manage facilities for oil drilling from with the best of your strategy to be the Oil Tycoon of the Region. Drill hard and grab unbelievable profits. Enjoy your journey from Rags to Riches! Buy and Sell various oil facilities with In-Game Currency. Make the best use of your in-hand resources to grab the maximum market and be the number 1 oil tycoon of the market in this Tap Tap Idle Rich Clicker Game! You Can Buy: * Oil Workers * Oil Tank Trucks * Oil Tank Cars * Oil Depots * Oil Processing Plants * Oil Wells * Oil Tanker Ships * Oil Rigs So, do you have what it takes to be an Oil Tycoon Capitalist? Well, Lets see. Download Now FREE!
Oil Tycoon - Big Energy Capitalist游戏截图
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