Online battles with millions of players from around the world! Tune your weapons, upgrade your character and win! Features: - Easy control with the ability to...

Online battles with millions of players from around the world! Tune your weapons, upgrade your character and win! Features: - Easy control with the ability to autoshoot (can be disabled in settings)! - Good optimization and high FPS! - More than 20 carefully designed and balanced maps! - More than 50 units of different types of weapons! - Weapon customization: sights, silencers, lasers, increased clips, compensators and much more! - More than 100 of the skins for weapons! - More than 45 clothes for character customization! - Dynamic battles 5x5 team mode, with up to 10 players in the "Deathmatch"! - Beautiful graphics, not occupying much space on your device! - Clans with the possibility of doing clan wars! Join the community KUBOOM! It will be hot! Official Facebook: www.facebook.com/groups/369431510160916/ The game requires connection to the Internet. We don't have any pixel gun, only high quality models.

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白饭D 来自于 九游APP 2017-10-13 20:23
酷炸射击....这名字吊炸天。进入游戏发现角色个个吊炸天,胖胖但又充满爷们气息的角色莫名觉得好萌,而且这些角色还有很多霸气的皮肤道具等等每一个都感觉坏坏的。 游戏玩法是类似CF的第一人称的即时射击,不过画面变成了低配卡通版。射击玩法可以简单也可以复杂,可以自己调节自动射击可以改为手动感觉比CF什么的玩的轻松愉快,推荐。
森屿喃诗 来自于 九游APP 2017-10-13 22:20
溫酒叙旧 来自于 九游APP 2017-10-06 23:04
感觉还是跟Steam里面的一样,操作还更蹩脚,走位不方便,而且,为什么我感觉铲子已经变成现在FPS的主流武器了,试玩以后的感觉就俩字 不爽。
寡人爱310 来自于 九游APP 2017-10-06 21:52
没有汉化,进去就只有英文 或者我没找到在哪里,模式太少就5个还是4个,自动瞄准玩着很不爽打不出技术,关键游戏中还可以换队,那队要赢去那队。
九游玩家7lys3zw7... 来自于 九游APP 2022-03-15 08:36
暖暖的鬼狐 来自于 九游APP 2020-04-22 21:11
这个游戏怎么说呢 给你三颗星吧
往心里装花 来自于 九游APP 2020-02-27 16:17