The adventures of Asterix & His friend Obelix is a serie of french comics. The history follows the adventures of a village of gauls as they rasist Roman. This...
Obelix Ice Winter Run Adventures
The adventures of Asterix & His friend Obelix is a serie of french comics. The history follows the adventures of a village of gauls as they rasist Roman. This is the new version of Obelix Asterix Adventures games is a cool jump & run arcade game which you could fighting Roman Pirates & Save Julius Caesar & the beauty lady Cleopatra in different world like ice age & winter weather. By your way to your mission which is Saving Julius & Cleopatra, you should collect the three Diamonds and the money in every stage . You will find a lot of enemies like Brutus , Edifis, the pirates, Sboy ,Artifis , metric, duck. You should also kill all those enemies to survival and keep your hope to finalise all the mission in this hard weather (Winter Weather). Fighting is your principal mission, no one of the enemies will gives you mercy in the way. It's a Addictive, thrilling and challenging Winter adventure experience , there are more than 50 challenging Levels increasing difficulties with high resolution graphics 2D & 3D & beautiful backgrounds. It's Classic game for all the ages as the kids & Adults, Easy & free to play with easy platform to control.. When you are playing the Obelix Winter Run Adventure you will hear some beautiful Retro Arcade music and some old school sound effects. How to Play The obelix Winter Run Adventures: * To move the obelix click on right or left on the control pad ( Yellow Buttons) * Press Jump-button & right or left for running; press Jump x2 for a higher and wider jumping. * Click down for jabber ducking or on some tree stumps to get to a bonus level. * In Water Places, press up multiple times to swim higher & release your finger from button to go down.
Obelix Ice Winter Run Adventures游戏截图
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