每日一游,每天精彩玩不够! 今天给大家带来款高大上的动作游戏,我们要控制一个八尺身高的大兄贵对着妖魔鬼怪就是一通乱怼,血腥爽快爆表! [game-inf...[详情]
Tenbirds Games今天宣布,旗下游戏《怒血回忆》(Ire - Blood Memory)现已重新回归移动市场。该做曾在去年上架,但是因为种种原因不得不...[详情]
Tenbirds Games昨日宣布,旗下手游Ire – Blood Memory《怒血回忆》现已重新回归移动市场。该作曾在去年上架,但是因为种种原因不得不回炉...[详情]
ARPG大作《怒血回忆(Ire-Blood Memory)》由海外游戏商Tenbirds Corp打造,这款号称以“移动版《血源诅咒》”为目标制作而成的手游iO...[详情]

Welcome to the brutal dark fantasy world that is Ire - Blood Memory. Take on the role of an anonymous champion on a pilgrimage to piece together a broken realm, and to subdue the forces of nightmare. Higher powers are involved in your predicament, and your role is to slowly gain awareness , and ultimately come to terms with the powers that are responsible for your fate. Ire is arguably the first tactical action RPG of its kind on mobile. Ire requires the learning and application of tactical skills to defeat enemies, who would otherwise brutally punish any gamer expecting easy casual battle. A network connection is required. For quality gameplay high-end or recently released devices are recommended FEATURES ● Quest: Campaign ● Hunt: Player v Player phantoms ● Raid: Pillage resources ● World Boss: Quest main boss combat ● Rift: Special area boss combat Access Permission ● [READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE, WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE] : Allow an application to read/write to external storage. ● [GET_ACCOUNTS] : Allow access to the list of accounts in the Accounts Service. ● [READ_PHONE_STATE] : Allow read access to phone state.