NucearWar is a massive multiplayer game about nuclear missile warfare. Get your own Nuclear Missiles Bases Operations Head Quarter! From Major to General You...
Nuclear WAR G

NucearWar is a massive multiplayer game about nuclear missile warfare. Get your own Nuclear Missiles Bases Operations Head Quarter! From Major to General You will have your own General Headquarters of operations and management of ICBM Nuclear Missile Bases with resources of $ 1,700,000,000 with which you can build Missile Bases and buy weapons. The first thing you should do is to build a missile base. The more bases you have the faster you will rise in rank and get more money. Ranks and salaries The rank you get will depend directly of the number of bases you have, as shown below: Major ( Maj )7.5000 $/seg (command over 1 a 3 bases) Lieutenant Colonel( LtCol. )9.000 $/seg (command over 4 a 8 bases) Colonel ( Col. ) 11.000 $/seg (command over 9 a 15 bases) Brigadier General ( Brig Gen.) 14.000 $/seg (command over 16 a 22 bases) Major General ( Maj Gen. ) 18.000 $/seg (command over 23 a 31 bases) Lieutenant General ( Lt Gen. ) 23.000 $/seg (command over 32 a 42 bases) General Chief ( Gen. ) 30.000 $/seg (command over más de 42 bases) Building Nuclear Missile Bases The price of each base is 400.000.000$, and it includes 1 x 50Mt misil, 10 x 20Mt misiles and 3 x Base Shield, with 100% life status, and if it is the first base you build, you will get an extra 10 x anti-ICBM and 15 x Base Shield. Apart of it, for each base you have you can buy armament. You can attack any city in the world by launching Nuclear Missiles from your bases, damaging and destroying the bases that exist, except your own ones that if there were any will not suffer any damage. For each base that you destroy you will receive $ 300,000,000, plus the armament that this base had. Armament and defenses * Mt is the abbreviation of Megatón that is a million tons of TNT. The atomic bombs of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, had about 20 Kt (Kiloton = thousand tons). In comparison, the 90 Mt ICBM of this game is equivalent to more than 5,000 Hiroshima bombs. Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBM): They are the main attack elements and there are three types: 90Mt: If it arrive in a city with only one base, that has no defenses and status 100%, it will cause 90% damage to the base, remaining in 10% of life. 50Mt: will produce a 50% damage (if do not have base-shields) 20Mt: will produce a 20% damage (if do not have base-shields) Missiles Anti-ICBM: if a city is attacked with missiles, and some of the bases of that city have Anti-ICBM missiles, these will completely cancel the attack on the city regardless of the type of missile used for the attack. Anti-ICBM missiles will be activated automatically when the attack on the city is detected. Each Anti-ICBM unit will serve to cancel only one missile. Base Shield: They are reinforcements in the structures of the missile bases. Reduces damage caused by attacks between 40% and 70% (for 1 shield). If a base has more than one shield, the damage will be divided by the number of shields. Auto-Defense: If we have a base provided with a Auto-defense missile and it is attacked, it will automatically return the attack. Spy: The spies will give you information about all the bases that exist in a specific city. For each base you will know: Commander's nick, name of the base, status of the base, type and number of available missiles, anti-missiles available, number of base shields and number of auto-defense systems. Saboteurs: The group of saboteurs will operate in the target city in such a way that they will take care of disabling the following resources of each base in the city: 2 x 90Mt missiles , 2 x 50Mt missiles , 2 x 20Mt missiles , 2 x anti-missiles system, 2 x Base Shields and 2 x Self-Defense systems Alliances Being an ally consists of having a secure communication channel with your allies, in such a way that secret strategies can be planned.
Nuclear WAR G游戏截图

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