Legend tells of a Park where courageous heroes attempt to venture through, take on all its challenges and emerge victorious. The Gruesome Gambler, Stampeding Un...
Nightmare Park
Legend tells of a Park where courageous heroes attempt to venture through, take on all its challenges and emerge victorious. The Gruesome Gambler, Stampeding Unicorns, Stingers, Multiplying Lurgi, Crushers, Mad Mathematician, Blabbers and Najjers, Death Rays, Egostistical Gorillas, Hails of Barbs, Zigzaggers and a Vortex all stand in your way.Will you be a hero and attempt to beat the Park, or will Nightmare Park claim yet another victim?This is one of the first computer games ever made, originally programmed by Bob Chappell on the green screen Commodore PET and it's still as addictive and playable now as it was when first released.This is an authentic port to Android devices which includes the Commodore PET character set. Immerse yourself in this excellent retro game.Please note, due to the nature of the original game, there is no sound, and the aspect ratio is 4:3 screen centered. However it has good vibrations!Please see the Help in the game to determine how to navigate the map and certain "mini games".Please see the Options in the game to select your preferred settings including language and number of lives.Search "Nightmare Park" on Facebook to join the fan page and obtain more information.Enjoy!therealeasterbunny
Nightmare Park游戏截图
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