堕落之主在10月16日发布了v1.1.195更新补丁,这个补丁的更新内容有哪些呢?下面小编就给大家带来堕落之主10月16日更新内容介绍,感兴趣的玩家一起来看看吧。9gl 9gl 10月16日更...


《堕落之主》10月16日更新内容介绍 1.1.195更新内容一览9gl




1. 狙击手的射程限制为15米,超出大概率miss。9gl



2. 增加抗性的戒指与符文加强效果。9gl

3. 之前one handed grand sword(可能说的是单手持状态(即拿两把武器下)使用巨剑武器)的第二击缓慢但威力不大,进行了加强。9gl


4. 修复触发bug。9gl

5. 流浪商人会出售两把"奴隶猎人匕首",以便玩家双持构筑。9gl


6. 优化了投掷物的摄影机。9gl

7. 一些语言错误,不包括中文。9gl

8. 地形加载不出来跌落神坛的bug。9gl


《堕落之主》10月16日更新内容介绍 1.1.195更新内容一览9gl



The "snipers" at Pilgrim Perch have had their aiming capabilities revised. They now have a high chance of missing their shots when the target is beyond 15 meters.9gl


After noticing that players were often disregarding status effect resistance rings and runes, we've decided to give them all a noticeable boost to make them more competitive with other types and incorporate them into some builds.9gl

Slightly increased the second hit damage for one-handed Grand Swords' forward heavies to match it with its slightly slower animation.9gl


Fixed an NPC corpse that was interactable before meeting the proper quest requirements.9gl

Modified "the moving merchant" to sell 2 copies of the Slave Hunter Dagger, encouraging players to explore the dual-knives dual-wielding stance, which may be slightly overpowered and subject to potential nerfs in the future.9gl


Several throwable items have been adjusted to eliminate camera collision properties, preventing undesired "zoom-ins".9gl

Text spilling on "Attack Power" has been resolved for several languages, including french, italian, brazilian portuguese and Spanish.9gl

A streaming volume issue at the Fief of the Chill Curse has been resolved to prevent players from falling into the void while the map wasn't fully loaded, particularly for players like Auteru.9gl

《堕落之主》10月16日更新内容介绍 1.1.195更新内容一览9gl
