《方舟生存进化》最近更新了253版本,更新后很多玩家不知道海底矿洞怎么打以及斑龙如何驯养,今天我们为您带来了《方舟生存进化》253海底矿洞打法及斑龙驯养方法,一起来看看吧。 斑龙饥饿训法 1、...





2、晚上8、20,无论眩晕怎样 斑龙自动起来(除非开连点秒吃黑果子bug)。饥饿掉到哪,再晕还是掉到哪。







矿洞,50,90矿洞,比毒气矿洞还难的矿洞:建议队友3个人,2个人骑公母满级全血苍龙,1人骑脊背龙。神器在矿洞进去后,环岛路左手边,里面有大量食人鱼+梦寐以求的红箱子。进来的洞口 贴地面还有个箱子。通光后,里面有陆地,脊背龙爬上去直接冲吧。有蝙蝠蜘蛛,有个红黄紫蓝绿箱等你。

10 50矿洞,最简单的矿洞,脊背龙直接无脑进去,开头是鲨鱼+鱼龙,鲨鱼少得很,进去后绕过水母,爬上陆地,在水面上拿箭杀引水母。箱子我当时没找到,建议苍龙都带平台,拍床地基压。


Megalosaurus will wake up at the start of each night (approximately 20:30), regardless of its current torpidity. At approximately 52 minutes per day, even a level 1 megalosaurus will wake up at least once without Taming Speed modifiers. As such, the following strategy assumes that the megalosaurus will wake up at least once:

The rate of torpor decay makes it unlikely that any narcotics will be required for this tame as, except for low levels, it will wake up at night before its torpor fully depletes and its torpor will be re-filled when the creature is knocked out again.

Starve taming is highly recommended for taming the megalosaurus i.e. allowing the creature's hunger to deplete until it is below the target value, and then inserting all the food at once.

As of v252.2, the megalosaurus will retain any Taming Affinity (Taming Progress) when it wakes up - however, the contents of its inventory is still lost. Due to Taming Affinity regressing while no food is in an unconscious creature's inventory, you would lose some progress in the brief window after knocking out the creature each time, and you would need to keep at least one piece of food in its inventory for when it wakes up (as removing all food would cause it to start regressing).

v252.2 does not state that it's changed the behaviour of Taming Effectiveness (Bonus Levels). Prior to the minor patch, and as with other creatures, Taming Effectiveness is reset to 100% whenever the creature wakes up/knocked out again. Thus, any accidental damage done megalosaurus during one day of taming would be undone on the next. If this hasn't been changed, the retention of Taming Affinity means you could tame a megalosaurus with Raw Meat and retain high values of Taming Effectiveness by timing its last bite to be after a reset.
