If you usually played football with your friends in the backyard, support your favorite team during important matches and simply imagine yourself football cham...
New Football Mini-Game. Map for MCPE

If you usually played football with your friends in the backyard, support your favorite team during important matches and simply imagine yourself football champion of the world, our map for Minecraft is exactly what you need. Download our new map for MCPE absolutely for free, call your friends and play with them! Play football with your friends with the help of our new map for Minecraft! Football is a team sport, and our map is for several players too, so obviously call your friends. Before the game starts, take all necessary things in chests, where you will find in out map for Minecraft. The rules of the game are quite simple and well-known: team, which kicks more goals, will win. Our new map for Minecraft will help you to recollect the childhood and just to have a good time. Download our new map for MCPE absolutely for free, call your friends and play with them! • You can download this map for Minecraft for free . • In order to play with this map Minecraft Pocket Edition should be installed on your mobile device . DISCLAIMER: This map for MCPE isn’t made or supported by Mojang. Minecraft and Minecraft Pocket Edition are official trademarks of Mojang AB. The developers of this MCPE map don’t cooperate with Mojang. This application fully adheres to the terms set up by Mojang AB. More info at https://account.mojang.com/terms.
New Football Mini-Game. Map for MCPE游戏截图

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