匹配的动物,而对时钟的赛车!采用非洲鼓音乐和15个不同的非洲动物。赚取点匹配对动物,并获得最高评分。 有三种不同的难度级别: - 很简单:它们匹配5张卡片和60秒4。 - 正常:6卡和90秒5,以配合他们。 - 硬盘:6卡秒和75秒5,以配合他们。 - 主页按钮暂停和叶背景的游戏。 - 返回按钮将退出比赛。 Match the animals while racing against the clock! Featuring African drums music and fif different African animals. Earn points matching the pair of animals and get the highest score. There are three different difficulty levels: - Easy: 4 by 5 cards and 60 seconds to match them. - Normal: 5 by 6 cards and 90 seconds to match them. - Hard: 5 by 6 cards and 75 seconds to match them. - Home button pauses and leaves game in the background. - Return button will quit the game.