Get ready for awesome naval battles in a great tower defense game! Your team will consist of modern snipers, gunners, rockets, ice towers. Deep conflict has a...
Naval Rush: Sea Defense

Get ready for awesome naval battles in a great tower defense game! Your team will consist of modern snipers, gunners, rockets, ice towers. Deep conflict has arisen between you and the evil invaders. Choose the best strategy and protect your freedom and liberty! FEATURES: * More than 20 unique locations: tropical islands, arctic and industrial coastline * Awesome 3D graphic * Great towers to fortify your defense: cannon, laser, rocket launcher, electric gun, railgun, mine fields. * Hero warships: frigate, destroyer and corvette * Multiplayer mode and Leaderboards * Enemies: large ships, all ships, warships, helictopters and many others Did you think you found the best possible defense strategy? Let's see! Single player mode of the game does not require internet connection. Command your ships and find the best tower defense strategy to become number one in this awesome TD game with epic battles.
Naval Rush: Sea Defense游戏截图

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