Part of the project "Meet The World". MTW - Films is quiz application, designed for testing your knowledge and learn something new about the World you live in....
MTW - Films quiz

Part of the project "Meet The World". MTW - Films is quiz application, designed for testing your knowledge and learn something new about the World you live in. You can play three sections in online mode (Movies, TV Shows and Trivia) and offline mode as a backup with small database of questions. Current application have three types of playing style (depending of number of questions). - Quick (10 questions) - Medium (25 questions) - Long (50 questions) There are two modes of playing: - Competitive mode (time challenge without hints or confirmations) - Learning mode (each question provides feedback whenever the answer was right or not) Newest addition of application has one more playing feature "Time Challenge". This game has all questions from database and 2 minutes countdown timer as a challenge. There are two themes: - Theater - Sci-Fi Game can be played anonymously or with existing Google account. There is a profile page with information about your account and statistics. More to come in near future...
MTW - Films quiz游戏截图

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