MR Ludu

The MR Ludu is an app on myth busting on access to safe menstrual regulation. The idea is about a snake and ladder game which can be played alone on a numbered and gridded squares game board. A number of `ladders’ and `snakes’ are pictured on the board. The game starts with a spin of the dice from the starting point (square 1) up until to finishing point (square 100). When the dice pointer is rolled on to the mouth of a snake or bottom of a ladder, a question on menstrual regulation related myth and value appears. The player has to either agree or disagree to the question. The questions on myth and values are functioned to response to the choice of the player with a `wrong’ or `right’ result. A right answer will take the player to the top of the ladder and passed through a snake, while a wrong one will end up in no advantage of the ladder and in terms of snake the pointer will end up in its tail. The scoring system is based on time so the player needs to finish the game sooner to top on a previous score. The time span determines how well informed the player is on menstrual regulation related information, values, and myth busting.