Oh, it so cold, why not holding a movie night party to stay together with our friends? Okay, Let’s do it right now. Prepare a wonderful movie night party and in...
Movie Night Party - Yummy Pizza, Soda & Popcorn
Oh, it so cold, why not holding a movie night party to stay together with our friends? Okay, Let’s do it right now. Prepare a wonderful movie night party and invite our best friends. Happy movie night is waiting. Let’s go. Room Decoration - Let’s decorate the party room first. - Choose the shining lights for the room. Hmm, the light color is so important. - prepare the sofa,desk,chairs for your friends. Make sure they love it. - Give your movie night party a crazy name. What will it be? - Decorate the room with some other party staff, such as balloon, ribbon etc. - Prepare some party foods now. Party Foods Making - You won’t miss the pizza for a party. Let’s make yummy pizza from scratch, you are the best cook ever. - What food is your favorite in the cinema? Of course, it’s popcorn. Prepare some corn to make sweet popcorn. Lol~ Do not burn your kitchen^_^ - Never miss the drink. Let’s choose ice cream soda this time. Cool. Okay, we just have everything done. Friends are coming. Choose the movie with our friends and enjoy a crazy movie night party!
Movie Night Party - Yummy Pizza, Soda & Popcorn游戏截图
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