I made this game with Unity3D to learn how to fiddle with Unity in general.Basically the game is about shooting painting bullets from the center of the screen b...
monochrome Painter
I made this game with Unity3D to learn how to fiddle with Unity in general.Basically the game is about shooting painting bullets from the center of the screen by tapping on it to paint monochromic cubes while dodging by tilting the screen.You can change cubes to spheres by running through the blue thingies (Yes, I don't have a name for those yet).Your score is calculated by how far you go, how many cubes you painted, and how many cubes you painted in combo (As in, how many cubes you painted in a single shot).You can even tweet a screenshot of how you lost the game!Future things to add:* Power ups and weapons* More shapes to change* More obstacles* Improved sound effects and maybe soundtracks?*Note:Sound effects made by playing "NodeBeat". Try it out, it's fun :D
monochrome Painter游戏截图
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