手机游戏> 模拟长颈鹿> 游戏攻略> 综合篇> 模拟长颈鹿好玩吗?模拟长颈鹿游戏介绍
Giraffe Winter Sports Simulator Super fun simulation game that will make you laugh! We bet that you have never seen a giraffe sliding down the ski ramp. Who knows maybe one day it will become a reality.. And that is the very first but not the last reason that will make you giggle. The aim of the game is to jump the longest distance. Seems very simple, but it’s not so easy as it looks. Hold your finger to boost and apply force to your animal, collect coins, fly through the rims, catch boosts. Make frontflips and backflips, try to fly as high as possible, beat the longest airtime or total hits on the ground record and brag about it. Compete with your friends in two players game mode. Features: - Two players mode - Different unlockable animals - Realistic physics and simulation - Various consumable items - Detailed jump statistics 长颈鹿冬季运动模拟器 超级好玩的模拟游戏,将让你笑!我们敢打赌,你从来没有见过长颈鹿滑下斜坡滑雪。谁知道,也许有一天它会成为现实。而这是第一个,但不是最后一个原因,这将使你傻笑。游戏的目的是要跳跃的距离最长。看起来很简单,但它不是那么容易,因为它看起来。保持你的手指,来推动和使用武力的动物,收集硬币,通过轮辋,抓提升飞行。使frontflips和后空翻,尽量飞尽可能高,打在地面上记录并吹嘘它的最长通话时间或全部命中。竞争在两名球员的游戏模式您的朋友。 产品特点: - 两名球员模式 - 不同的动物解开 - 逼真的物理和仿真 - 各种消耗品 - 详细统计跳

Giraffe Winter Sports Simulator Super fun simulation game that will make you laugh! We bet that you have never seen a giraffe sliding down the ski ramp. Who knows maybe one day it will become a reality.. And that is the very first but not the last reason that will make you giggle. The aim of the game is to jump the longest distance. Seems very simple, but it’s not so easy as it looks. Hold your finger to boost and apply force to your animal, collect coins, fly through the rims, catch boosts. Make frontflips and backflips, try to fly as high as possible, beat the longest airtime or total hits on the ground record and brag about it. Compete with your friends in two players game mode. Features: - Two players mode - Different unlockable animals - Realistic physics and simulation - Various consumable items - Detailed jump statistics 长颈鹿冬季运动模拟器 超级好玩的模拟游戏,将让你笑!我们敢打赌,你从来没有见过长颈鹿滑下斜坡滑雪。谁知道,也许有一天它会成为现实。而这是第一个,但不是最后一个原因,这将使你傻笑。游戏的目的是要跳跃的距离最长。看起来很简单,但它不是那么容易,因为它看起来。保持你的手指,来推动和使用武力的动物,收集硬币,通过轮辋,抓提升飞行。使frontflips和后空翻,尽量飞尽可能高,打在地面上记录并吹嘘它的最长通话时间或全部命中。竞争在两名球员的游戏模式您的朋友。 产品特点: - 两名球员模式 - 不同的动物解开 - 逼真的物理和仿真 - 各种消耗品 - 详细统计跳