
希望置身于热带天堂中?很久没见到太阳和大海了?想寻求一些探险?那么,您就来对了地方! 一群勇敢小猫的海上旅行出现了意外。现在他们来到了一座从未有猫咪涉足的小岛上,得在那里安家。您将帮助他们使用任何可以找到的材料建设家园,在农场上种植神奇的植物,与当地的居民交朋友,当然,还要揭开小岛上遗失在时间长河中的秘密。 城市建设从未如此简单而精彩,尽在Island Village。我们勇敢的小猫可爱又滑稽!打造最棒的村庄!退潮时分您将在美丽的海岸上发现什么呢?当地的居民是友好还是敌对? - 在偏僻的天堂小岛上建设您的村庄; - 寻找所有在沉船时迷失的猫咪伙伴; - 制作上百种物件,在小岛上缔造繁华的文明; - 驯服异域动物; - 揭开神秘小岛上的众多秘密; - 探索未知世界的每一个角落,并结交新的朋友! _____________________________________________ 访问Island Village的Facebook社区: http://ggam.es/Islandvillage 联系我们: Support.android@islandvillagegame.com 版权所有© 2015-2016 Startek Invest LimitedWhat's new: - Mining process was modified! Now you are guaranteed to get green, blue and purple glass pieces every time you go to the mine! - New special offers, that will significantly help you during the game! - Gaining new levels become much easier now! Rewards for completing tasks were increased! - The mistake with golden dragons bringing too little amount of gold was fixed. - Several minor bugs were fixed.