
A young family stops at a mysterious old home for a picnic and as the mother closes her eyes to enjoy the sun, she hears a horrific crash, the kids! As she enters the house, she is confronted by a mystical mirror that’s taken her kids and locks them away in a magical world. A quest is placed upon you to not just save your children but help a unique character in very mystical places. Can you solve the Mirror Mysteries? 一位年轻的家庭停在一个神秘老人的家庭野餐和母亲闭上眼睛享受阳光,她听到一个可怕的崩溃,孩子们!当她进入屋内,她被认为是采取了她的孩子,并锁定他们走在一个神奇的世界一个神秘的镜子面对。一个任务是放在你的不只是保存你的孩子,但帮助一个独特的性格非常神秘的地方。你可以解决镜子奥秘?