Legend tells of a horned beast known as the Krampus, a yuletide punisher of naughty children. Unlike jolly old St. Nicholas, who carries a bag filled with gifts...
Merry Krampus
Legend tells of a horned beast known as the Krampus, a yuletide punisher of naughty children. Unlike jolly old St. Nicholas, who carries a bag filled with gifts, the Krampus carries an empty bag ... and fills it with children!This is real Alpine folklore, if you can believe it, not just some craziness we made up for a free mobile game. But since we needed some craziness for our free mobile game, Krampus seemed like the perfect star!In MERRY KRAMPUS you don the horns of ol' Krampus himself. Your goal is simple: Catch as many children as you can in one minute. Dodge running reindeer, ride floating logs, and don't fall in the water!You'll get the hang of it. And why shouldn't you? It's super easy.So, what are you waiting for? These kids ain't gonna bag themselves!Merry Krampus to all!
Merry Krampus游戏截图
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