Your brain also needs exercise to stay fit!! With this application you can improve your short-term memory, visual memory, concentration, speed, calculation, re...
Memory Puzzle Game - 2019
Your brain also needs exercise to stay fit!! With this application you can improve your short-term memory, visual memory, concentration, speed, calculation, reasoning... Train to improve your results !! Simple and beautiful Aplha memory Game, the pair of tiles and enjoy testing your memory skills. This memory game is based on the classical concept of matching a pair of tiles within a time. The game is built with different themes and sizes to keep it more entertaining. Simple and beautiful application for everyone ( especially kids ) . Match the pair of tiles and enjoy testing your memory skills . The best game to exercise your memory. Playing is very simple , you turn over one tile and then try to find a matching tile .Game contains different sizes 3x2, 4x3 ,6x3 ,7x4, 8x4 and 10x5 , each getting progressively harder. Try to unlock all the achievements of the application Connect with Google Play Games and compete against people from around the world!! Brain game. Picture Match. A game that will improve your memory. Standing alongside popular brain teasers, crossword puzzles, problem solving apps and concentration games for kids, Matching Game for Kids proves to be one of the best learning tools for children. With its simple and stylish design, bright colors and lovely drawn shapes and symbols, this free mind game for Android™ is a must-have this year! Hurry to the market and get your new, best matching cards game for kids! A good game which help you to improve memory. You should memorize a board of fruit with several pairs of disordered images. After a short time they will cover up and you will have to find all the couples, but hurry up, time runs against you.
Memory Puzzle Game - 2019游戏截图
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