The story of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde reimagined as a story adventure game! [Game Features] - Genre: Story Adventure Game. - Play to the end for free and with...
MazM: Jekyll and Hyde
The story of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde reimagined as a story adventure game! [Game Features] - Genre: Story Adventure Game. - Play to the end for free and without ads. - Enjoy all content with one single payment. - Enjoy the game even without internet connection. - Revel in the fascinating mystery portrayed with extraordinary artwork and captivating BGM. - Jekyll and Hyde has been optimized for 16:9 ◆MazM’s Second Project◆ Our second project, ‘MazM: Jekyll and Hyde’, is our interpretation of a great piece of classic literature. It is a story adventure game based on Robert Louis Stevenson's 1886 mystery novel ‘Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde’. Find clues, enjoy stories, and solve problems. Haunting artwork captures the gloomy atmosphere of London in the late 19th century, setting it apart from other traditional games. Experience the mystery of the original's cat and mouse game through the eyes of Mr. Utterson, a lawyer chasing Hyde, and face the psychological changes that the main character undergoes. Play and experience cinematic, movie-caliber storytelling. ◆ MazM Project Introduction ∙ MazM is a project that reinterprets well-known stories into games. ∙ The essence of the original story can be found everywhere in the game. ∙ Immerse yourself in the emotional rollercoaster that goes beyond the original tale. ∙ MazM Official Homepage: www.mazm.me [Essential Access Permission Guide] When using apps, we ask for access to provide the following services. - Device photo / media / file access: The app currently does not have access to device photos and media, and is only used to access game data.
MazM: Jekyll and Hyde游戏截图
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慕泽◇ 来自于 九游APP 2018-07-24 16:11
在无法探知的内心深处,人性究竟是黑白分明还是亦正亦邪呢? 【游戏体验】 ①游戏的剧情和原著小说差不多吧,当然有些剧情为了游戏需要,增强玩家互动,会略微改动,应该影响不大!原著小说叫《化生博士》!有兴趣的可以看看!!! ②游戏人物,环境都是相当棒的!人物的表情表现的淋漓尽致,反正这游戏画风不会让玩家失望的。 ③游戏有分为主线事件和追加事件,追加事件不会影响主线剧情的发展。不过,我主线和追加事件一起玩。 ④游戏只有5章左右加上几个追加事件,大概5~6个小时就完全通关。 【建议玩家】 ①中途强行退出游戏的话,下次进来,不是退出前的画面。个人建议就是老老实实的在设置处点退出游戏!当然,可能是我手机问题。 ②游戏难度不高,不存在卡关,如果卡关了,看线索!线索很重要!能避免你到处乱走,虽然不会影响剧情,但是能节约你的时间! ③聊天内容也是要注意,不要一直点点,不然对话结束,你都不知道要干什么! 【注明】 九游的包应该是原装包,需要谷歌三件套!我的包是朋友传给我的,为了在九游找这游戏写点评,我花了很长时间找! 推荐人群:爱解谜玩家,萌新解谜玩家 情殇离愁点评
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