的“MAX”系列的第一个冠军。 不要犹豫!不要以为!但是,你需要用你的头。 最好的大脑训练和自我发展的游戏永远。 不只是消磨时间,但你会发现自己更聪明,当你完成这个游戏。 当一个号码显示在屏幕的中央,只需按相同数目尽快和尽可能多的,你可以! 如果你使用一种颜色的项目,即使一个孩子谁也看不懂数量也可以玩游戏。 挑战特别任务,以获得更多的完美! 任何建议/意见,将不胜感激。First title of 'MAX' series.Don't hesitate! Don't think! But you need to use your head. The best brain training and self-development game ever.Not just killing time but you will find yourself arter when you finish this game. When a number appears at the center of screen, just press the same number as quickly as possible and as many as you can!If you use a color item, even a child who can't read number also can play the game.Challenge special missions to get much more coins! Any suggestions/feedback would be appreciated.