The classical Mastermind-game made beautiful and extra fun.This games includes:* The trade-marked expansions "Fastermind" and "Blast'yer'mind"* Three themes (co...
Mastermind Blast'yer'mind!
The classical Mastermind-game made beautiful and extra fun.This games includes:* The trade-marked expansions "Fastermind" and "Blast'yer'mind"* Three themes (colors, flags and "funky colorz" - with more to come* Two-player mode* 4 or 5 guesses per row - and with many colors to choosebetween* Altering rules: Use of empty spaces and "Only use same color once per row"You may of cause send it between your sd-card and your phone as you wish
Mastermind Blast'yer'mind!游戏截图
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