手机游戏> Make Squares> 游戏攻略> 综合篇> Make Squares怎么预约 首测预约资格领取地址
Make Squares怎么预约 首测预约资格领取地址
据悉Make Squares马上就要和大家见面了,想要第一时间了解游戏曝光消息和开测时间的小伙伴们,可以先下载九游APP,然后搜索Make Squares点击游戏最右边的“预约”按钮,这样在游戏开测时候就会及时的通知到大家了,再也不用担心错过首测了!
A fun puzzle game where you move, rotate and try to catch falling blocks to make squares. A fantastic and original spin on an absolute classic. Features: - Move your blocks around to catch the falling block - Rotate you blocks, and find the best strategic place to land the falling one - Arrange blocks in squares around the center - Earn big points for creating multiple squares at once - Complete lots of fantastic challenges - Are your blocks getting messy? Use the bomb to get rid of problematic ones - Don't like the next block due to drop? Swap it and hope for something better! - Simple to learn and enjoy anywhere, and enough of a challenge to gently train your brain
步骤二:搜索“Make Squares”,点击游戏详情页,点击右侧【订阅】即可,我们将在Make Squares手游开测时,通过【弹窗提示】和【应用推送通知】提醒大家,确保大家不会错过!
或者点击Make Squares图标,进入游戏专区,点击下方的【预约】按钮,同样可以预约成功,还能看到预约礼包s 内容哟!
在九游Make Squares专区中,点击【开测提醒】获取最新开测时间、预约资格、激活码、礼包等。
九游APP是专为手游玩家准备的游戏宝箱,这里有最新的Make Squares资讯,最全的攻略,最快的上架速度,多元化内容助你轻松游戏!更有超过百万的玩家,在九游客户端里分享、讨论、下载游戏!想要获得更多Make Squares的资讯和福利,那就赶快下载体验吧!
☆ 好游推荐:每天推荐一款精品游戏,大家一起试玩、点评!
☆ 攻略大全:全网最全最新的Make Squares攻略库,还有视频教程哦!
☆ 游戏下载:全网最丰富的手游下载渠道,总有一款适合你!
九游APP正在努力做得更好,为Make Squares玩家带来更多优质内容!!
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Make Squares

A fun puzzle game where you move, rotate and try to catch falling blocks to make squares. A fantastic and original spin on an absolute classic. Features: - Move your blocks around to catch the falling block - Rotate you blocks, and find the best strategic place to land the falling one - Arrange blocks in squares around the center - Earn big points for creating multiple squares at once - Complete lots of fantastic challenges - Are your blocks getting messy? Use the bomb to get rid of problematic ones - Don't like the next block due to drop? Swap it and hope for something better! - Simple to learn and enjoy anywhere, and enough of a challenge to gently train your brain