- 关键词: 龍紋三國-最殺的三國官网 龍紋三國-最殺的三國攻略
- 游戏类型: 休闲
史上最強千人團戰的重度國戰手遊,體驗經典RPG,穿越三國亂世,化身真命天子,攜手三國名將並肩作戰!!===遊戲介紹=== 【108個】 史上最多的遊戲,只有你想不到的沒有我們沒有的。玩法豐富多樣,運籌帷幄拚天下手指決定你的三國! 【數百名將隨你養成】 百位三國猛將任你召喚,快來組建你的最強大戰隊!橫掃千軍破敵,一夫當關,萬夫莫敵! 【勢力軍團跨服奪魁】 三國勢力八方來襲,軍團競技開啟亂世時代,軍團貢獻值可換極品,更可裝備軍團秘技、火爆軍團戰,讓軍團勇士即時廝殺,激烈戰鬥令人血脈噴張! 【結交盟友聯手出擊】 組隊副本、符文爭奪等著你,速速號召親朋好友,攜手亂世,創造一段只屬於你們的三國史詩!搶親獻花,成就名將與美人緊密結合的遊戲體驗,享受遊戲中江山美人的霸王待遇! 【千種道具任君收集】 神鑄套裝、酷炫坐騎、超級神寵、稀世寶物搭配出史詩組合,高手如雲, 【優厚福利無以倫比】 新手福利、登錄簽到、每日闖關堪稱同類遊戲福利最多!體力、金幣、寶石尋寶獎勵爆棚! 【超炫戰鬥體驗超激】 風刃斬,狂刀亂舞、飛火流星、疾風穿甲技能特效,展現超炫的華麗效果。 真人同步在線,即時戰鬥,讓你在三國世界中體驗天上地下唯我獨尊! Here comes the highly rated Role-playing Game!! Three Kingdoms background plus millions of downloads!! Enjoy intensive battles with other players online! Train your heroes and develop your forces! Let’s see who will be the ultimate dominator! ===Features== 【108 Systems】 Altogether 108 systems included! With such diversified game plays, you will never feel bored! 【Train Heroes】 Recruit heroes and build a strong team to crush your enemies! 【Legion Wars】 Compete with other Legions and claim rewards! The contribution you made to the Legion can be exchanged for items used in battles! 【Build Alliance】 Ally with friends to make a more stunning achievement! There are also beauties waiting for you in the game! 【Collect Items】 Collect equipment and pets to improve your fighting capacity! 【Rich Rewards】 Large quantities of Stamina, Gold, and Gems can be found in the Newbie Package, the Login Bonus, and the Daily Rewards! 【Superb Visual Effects】 Join battles while enjoying the superb visual effects! The way of conquest won’t be over until you claim the supremacy!