Ludik380 is a sporty game, which is both educational and fun. The game is played on a long table with three distinct areas: “The launch”, “Slide” and “Goals”.To play Ludik380 you will need thirty-two discs; one black disc, four coloured discs and twenty-seven white discs. The player must slide the discs from the launch area, across the table and into the four goals. The central goals are both worth three points, whilst the two side goals are worth two points. The main objective is to complete the game with a total of 380 points, in a maximum of three rounds. To accomplish the 380 points: the player needs to slide the single black disc into one of the central goals, one of the four coloured discs into each goal and finally distribute the white discs between goals, being careful not to exceed a total of eight discs in each goal. The game can still be competed with fewer points, but 380 is the ultimate goal.
初生牛犊剑南春 来自于 九游APP 2016-08-21 22:19