手机游戏> Looney Toons Dash 2> 游戏评论
Looney Toons Dash 2
Looney Dash Tunes You like the adventures and the Bandicoot challenges so the game of Jungle Dash is your first choice, you will live a great experience with LoonyTunes dash and the adventurer bug bunny. Looney toons Dash is a amazing Bandicoot game for bugs fans bunny have fun Loony tunes Do not forget that Loony tunes is your hero in this game of Bunny Lonney Tunes dash , there for you must become the good companion of loony tunes and Bandicoot live a pleasant surprise. Your Bandicoot mission in this extraordinary set of loony toons is to pass each level by avoiding all the obstacles and enemies who want to confront the adventurer looney dash Tunes power to complete the adventure and reach the last stage of Looney bunny for a unforgettable victory. Game features: + 3D Game + Vivid sound and music + Intersting graphic effect + lonney toons character + Thrilling moment, death speed with Lonney Toons Dash Items in game: + Magnet: collect Bandicoot coins easier with your Lonney Tunes Dash for bug bunny + Shoes: jump higher, run faster, jump over the Bus that block your character bug bunny from lonney tunes + Rocket: a jetpack to fly on top through the skies, collect many coins With your bugs lonney tunes bunny + Mystery box: get bonus to boost your score by double the coins + Skateboard: surf on the rail safely & quickly How to play Lonney Toons Dash: + Swipe left to turn left + Swipe right to turn right + Swipe forward to jump + Swipe backward to scroll + Double Tap to get a skate bord Lonney Toons Dash The most excited Lonney Tunes Dash 3D runner game, escape from Bandicoot enemies, run as fast as you can. Intuitive controls to run left or right, jump in the sky to obtain more coins with Lonney Toons Dash, excited slide to safety! Have fun with looneyToons Dash. Dowload for free Looney Toons Dash.
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