Help wash all the dirty dresses by separating the white and colored dresses, putting them in the washing machine, and transferring them into the dryer with your...
laundry washing games girl
Help wash all the dirty dresses by separating the white and colored dresses, putting them in the washing machine, and transferring them into the dryer with your favorite fabric softener. Iron dresses and have fun changing outfit with freshly washed dresses. Play this game and have fun! This washing kids laundry game is the perfect way through you can prove that you are a hardworking child and a very good friend. You must follow all the instructions and you must prove to everyone that you are a good help in an emergency. 1) For the beginning of the first level of the game, you will get it in the girl's room, here you will see many abandoned clothes and a lot of garbage. Your mission is to sort garments and collect garbage. Be careful because you have to keep in mind and what colors are laundry; 2) After cleaning the room and you have collected the laundry is time to wash them. For this you will have to enter the whites in the washing machine, you must enter the laundry detergents, bleach and fabric softener coats, you must enter the color in the washing machine, remember that in this case there is no need for bleach and detergent will be for the colors; 3) After washing the clothes you have to stretch them to dry. You have to hang with the hook for a few minutes and let it dry; 4) Your mission is coming to an end, you now have to iron the clothes. You will find the ironing board and the iron. After ironing all the clothes you need to pack and put them in the closet. Thank you for your help, you did a great job. You are a good helper and you have proven that you are a good friend. Can you help the girl come back whenever you want through this game for kids as it is the perfect way to feel good and at the same time have fun. Thank you for choosing this game and invite you to choose and other washing games, games for girls to put your skills to the test. Enjoy! Know your washer's function keys and how to use it. If the automatic type washer, washing powder is put in place, taking care to put an odor sanitizer to acquire clothes ell good when you wear this game one of the best games for girls games and clean clothes and clothes are put inside the washing machine for a while and then take out the dry clothes but my people publish and expose it to the light so that it does not get wet and cause skin irritation when wearing clothes. Olaundry game laundry washing games Laundry Machine Games for Girls Ironing dresses girls games Laundry games for the girl room girls games Cleaning room girls games Room decoration game Laundry Games For Girls Washing Games:Ironing Game
laundry washing games girl游戏截图
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