SiNKR 是一款极简的益智游戏。游戏中只有你,钩子,冰球以及各种不同级别的设置,等待你去解开。把所有的冰球都沉入特定位置后才能进入下一个关卡。 主要特征: 每一个关卡都是精心设计 没有分数、没有时间限制、甚至没有任何文字,让玩家可以全神贯注地解谜 响应性的舒缓音乐 跨平台的云保存 完全没有语言要求 媒体评测: “And when you do solve the puzzle and say to yourself "Aha! It's simple now that I see it," you know you are playing a one-in-a-hundred well-designed puzzle game.” Gaming Nexus “SiNKR really is impressive in the fact that it does have a new spin on puzzle games.” The Videogame Backlog “I knew I discovered a new, favorite nighttime puzzle game when I came across SiNKR at TERMINUS, Atlanta.” 9/10 – GameSkinny 游戏steam页面: http://store.steampowered.com/app/676420/SiNKR/ 你可以在此查看更多介绍和视频。