手机游戏> 空中决战3D - Sky Fighters> 游戏攻略
空中决战3D - Sky Fighters

全体注意!三点钟方向敌机来袭!安全门已打开,飞行限制已解除,士兵,准备出击!作为一个刚刚加入空军的士兵,你的任务就是驾驶着战斗机击落敌机,击沉敌舰,击毁敌方的一切建筑,最终赢得战役的胜利! 磨练你的飞行技术,完善你的战斗装备,对抗一波波来袭的敌人,在合适的时机进行反击,给予敌人致命一击!国家的荣誉,部队的使命,尽在你的手中,现在就开始,起飞,出击! 游戏特性: - 广袤的战斗场景,让你尽享自由飞翔的乐趣 - 海陆空敌人全面来袭,穿梭在枪林弹雨中感受最真实的刺激 - 10架精美战斗机,数十种零部件,自由打造最强的战斗机 - 48个不同的关卡,4种战模式,丰富的内容让你战斗得酣畅淋漓 --- Climb into the cockpit of your favorite fighter aircraft, get ready to take-off, and soar into the skies brimming with visceral dogfights! Fly solo as a lone wolf or command a fleet of acrobatic aircraft to establish air superiority over the battlefield. Perform dizzying acrobatic maneuvers, get the enemy in your sights and hit the trigger to shoot them down. Become the supreme lord of the skies in Sky Fighters now! Game Features: - 48+ realistic missions including air-to-air and air-to-suce combats - Pilot 10+ authentic planes with rich weapons customization - Amazing 3D graphics, intuitive controls and immersive gameplayv1.2: Fixed some crash bugs of the game. Thanks.