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可口的披萨美味的披萨中文汉化版:Ever wanted to know what it feels like to run your own Pizza shop? Now you can with TapBlaze’s newest game, Good Pizza, Great Pizza! Do your best to fulfill pizza orders from customers while making enough money to keep your shop open. Upgrade your shop with new toppings and equipment to compete against your pizza rival, Alicante! GAME HIGHLIGHTS * Featuring Pizza News Network (PNN), the first newscast about all things pizza. * Over 80 customers with unique pizza orders and personalities. * Pizza toppings including pepperoni, sausage, onions, and more. * Equipment upgrades to help you become the master ovenist. * Simple, fun and challenging gameplay. * Created by pizza making professionals; the game designer worked in a pizza kitchen for four years! Can you become the master ovenist? Only time and your pizza skills will tell! Download and start pizza making now!​