wanna beat boredom....try the application "kid truth and dare" and get a real time experience.The most popular and fashionable game for parties, sleepovers and ...
Kids Truth and Dare
wanna beat boredom....try the application "kid truth and dare" and get a real time experience.The most popular and fashionable game for parties, sleepovers and get together's now hit the android.everyone who has till played this kid truth and dare has hilarious stories to share .now get the opportunity to experience your own.kid truth and dare globally recognized app for mobile is continuously gaining popularity and making its own way onto android market.it has been ranked into top 100 apps in casual category and over 80,000 downloads have been done and still counting...pros of app:-any time any number of player can play, just add your name .it gives the feel of original truth and dare game.* name of the players scroll over the screen and a random person is selected using a interactive intece.* let the selected person choose truth or dare, and their has been many funny and embarrassing questions and tasks for selected one .so that u don't have to thing task at very instant.* once the task being completed, skipped or denied , the name of player again scrolled and a random person get selected.* according to the performance of players a scoring system is introduced is as follows:- # if you complete the task +5 adds to your recent score. # if you skip -1 to score. # if denied -5 to recent score.* once you feel to stop the game ,quit it and you will get to know your score . as the player is chosen on random bases ,chance to be selected is low ...so just have fun and prepare your self to tolerate.Like Us on Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/preciselabs
Kids Truth and Dare游戏截图
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