ATM Simulator learning Machine!! Learn how to use bank cash ATM machine. ATM Simulator game will make learning about ATM machines fun! Get cash & buy toys like ...
Kids ATM Simulator Learning
ATM Simulator learning Machine!! Learn how to use bank cash ATM machine. ATM Simulator game will make learning about ATM machines fun! Get cash & buy toys like car, ball & sweets like cupcakes. Features: - Learn to manage your own bank accounts - Withdraw and deposit cash from the teller machine - Shop for sweets & toys using cash and card - Educational and entertaining game - Apply for a debit card at the bank, and get your 2,000 to start keeping balance! - Go to the ATM Machine, and take out money, and keep track of your checking account balance and cash balance! - Make cash deposits, and bring your checking account balance back up again! - Keep track of your Pin #, or go to the bank and update it! Live your dream of spending big with this new ATM money game. Just a fun way for you to get accustomed to use an ATM machine! Have fun for hours playing the ATM - Bank Cash Machine games. Suggestions from parents are considered as part of our regular development process. You can send us your compliments/feedback on itechnuts@gmail.com. For contact details see - http://www.itechnuts.com
Kids ATM Simulator Learning游戏截图
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