Draw shapes to solve challenging physics puzzles. From the creator of the #1 hit puzzle game, Brain It On! ◆ Dozens of brain busting physics puzzles, with more being added all the time ◆ Multiple ways to solve each puzzle, can you find the best solution? ◆ Compete on the leaderboards for the fastest time or best solution If you enjoy brain games, have a knack for following the laws of physics, and enjoy making things shatter, then this puzzle game is for you. It's easy to learn but hard to master and will get you thinking outside the box in no time! Draw a dot, draw a line, draw whatever you need to solve the puzzle and shatter the shapes. Gravity is on your side, or is it? If you like Shatterbrain, please rate it and leave a comment. Your support is greatly appreciated. If you don't like something, please email me at support@orbitalnine.com. I want to hear your feedback and comments so I can improve Shatterbrain and turn it into a ash hit. Looking for more great physics puzzle games, try my other game Brain It On!, which was selected for Google Play Editor's Choice, it will definitely give you something to scratch your brain about. You can find me on Twitter at @orbitalnine, or on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/shatterbrain, or my website: http://orbitalnine.com I hope you enjoy Shatterbrain!

『羔羊』来自于 九游APP 2019-03-23 19:49
作为一款物理类的游戏不得不说实在是太简单了点。 玩家只需要通过划线来压碎指定物品,当然也有一定限制的,我们画的线条不能触碰到图内的黑色物品,不然将会game over。 没个关卡都有限制的笔画数,大部分都是要求一笔,在规定内的笔画通关也是获得三星的必要条件。只要能压碎指定物品就能通关,当然我们也不能过分乱用笔画,星星是有用的,解锁后面关卡需要星星达到指定数量。 游戏内关卡不少,198个关卡也够我们玩一定时间了,虽然有点水。但是用来打发时间还是错错有余的。 游戏内还有成就玩法,就是成就系统点不开,其它也没有太大问题。 游戏内不得不说的一个问题就是每玩三四关后就会弹出一个广告视频真的很烦。 总体来说不推荐,相比较于同类游戏,真的是远远不如。